Thanks for hopping in today. It seems like the baby name collages come and go and recently I have been doing a bunch of these. They are so fun and of course make a perfect, personalized baby shower gift. I created this one for my niece to give to her friend.
The baby’s room has a frog theme in pink, green and white. I actually made the froggie in Adobe Illustrator and saved off as an SVG. It matches the other frogs in the baby’s room.

The frame is from Joanns. They come in black and in this case I painted white. They are 19x9. The area at the right will feature the baby’s photo.

The scallop shapes at the bottom are a freebie from
SVG Cuts - 2/25/10. The
Sizzix eclips cuts the detail absolutely perfect (love!).
The butterflies are from SVG Cuts ~
Cheryl’s Cute Bugs SVG Kit. There is a
JUGs challenge over on their site and you must use buttons in the center of your element. Well - I just so happened to do that on this project with my little butterflies so I will playing along over there.
Would you like to use my frog on a future project?
Well just click here and I am happy to share him! Here is what he looks like: