The cutout with the stars is from the SVG Cuts Party On Elm Street SVG Kit.
I added color paper behind them.
Papers are from Reminisce - Safari Collection.

· Laura Evangeline - http://www.lauraevangeline.blogspot.com/
· Diane Campbell Payne - http://www.capadiadesign.com/
· Ellen Panseri - http://scrapstampnmama.blogspot.com/
· Kristal Andrew - http://www.gettingcricky.com/
· Lisa Dorsey - http://lisadorsey.blogspot.com/
· Theresa Harris - http://www.thescrapbookingqueen.com
· Liz Chidester - http://www.thescrappiest.blogspot.com/
· Erin Schreiner - http://www.erinleecreative.com/
· Joanna Bandelin - http://scrap-making.blogspot.com/
· Erika Taylor - http://www.taylordconcepts.blogspot.com/
· Aymee Gandy - http://www.southernbellescrapper.blogspot.com/
Now for the November Kit & Deal of the Month...
Each 42 piece kit contains:
Christmas Twinkle Stickers - 10 Pieces
Christmas Vintage Metal Frames - 6 Pieces
Red Fuzzy Daisy Medley - 2 Pieces
Green Braided Daisy Medley - 4 Pieces
Red Braided Daisy Medley - 4 Pieces
Forest Green Vintage Poppies - 8 Pieces
Red Vintage Poppies - 8 Pieces
Yours for a special price of $14.99
November Deal of the Month
This month's 138 piece deal contains:
Red & Green Vintage Jewels - 12 Pieces
Holiday Gradient Gem Stickers - 76 Pieces
18" Red Vintage Velvet Ribbon
18" Green Wide Fancy Polka Dot Ribbon
18" Red Wide Fancy Polka Dot Ribbon
Green Gradient Gem Brads- 12 Pieces
Red Gradient Gem Brads - 12 Pieces
Red Vintage Gem Brads - 9 Pieces
Red Pure Blossoms - 14 Pieces
Yours for a special price $6.99.
Now for the giveaway! Creative Charms is giving away the November Kit of the Month. To enter go to their Facebook page & leave a comment. Winners will be announced on Monday, November 7th. Good Luck!